The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings

Cena: 1 138 Kč

Běžná cena: 1149Kč

Autor Tolkien J.R.R.
When they were first published, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings became instant classics. Treasured by readers young and old, these works of sweeping fantasy, steeped in unrivalled magic and otherworldliness have sold more than 150 million copies around the world. This new boxed gift set, published to celebrate the release of the first of Peter Jackson’s three-part film adaptation of JRR Tolkien’s The Hobbit, THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY, contains both titles and features cover images from both films.
  • Rok vydání 2015
  • Jazyk anglicky
  • Vazba Paperback
  • Počet stran 2064

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